Sunday, January 15, 2006

my christmas and new year

I just spent the most of my 6 week holiday in the UK doing nothing. Spent some time just wandering around in Edinburgh, it was a pretty city. Spent most of my walking around in Leeds. I went to the library for internet access (max of 2 hours daily). I went to Borders regulary to read, and I finished some books but did not buy any (thirld world thinking, i guess). Had walks in the several parks, armed with bread/nuts to feed the ducks, the pigeons and in Hyde Park, a friendly pack of squirells. Watched a pantomime show expecting no-words-just-action only to find that for the English, pantomime more or less refers to a kids show. I watched football games as it seems it was the only subject of their sports pages and sport shows, and I think I was able to like it and became a fan :). Their farmers market were cool and had all sorts of fresh goodies for about the price of a decent newspaper - I learned to properly roast pork and fowl and was also able to make the accompanying wine/apple sauce from scratch.

One result of this is the nagging thought that I might be slacking, what with doing nothing for about two months. Friends were working, raising families and doing important things while I was there, well, doing nothing. My consolation is the thought that 'going slow' can sometimes be healthy; to take stock of things before proceeding anew.