Saturday, March 12, 2005

dog stories

Edward and Fred, two grown men, were arguing over something. Fred was with his young daughter Domay and Edward was with his dog Brownie. On the heat the moment, Fred lunged at Edward. Domay sensed this and went between the two men with the intention of preventing a fight from escalating. (But to the dog, it might have appeared as something else.) As it happened, the dog saw this, proceeded to join the meelee, defended his alpha dog and bit Domay on the leg. It was quite a bite and Domay received several stiches from the hospital.

A while back, I saw Domay limping and asked her why. And this is what she told. The dog was simply protecting his master.

Which reminds me of another dog incident two Christmases ago. At that time, we had three dogs: one dog that we have had for more than 10 years now and two of her fully grown puppies. It was Christmas and my father and I decided to 'christmasen' one of the two fully grown puppies. We had the dog all stringed-up and my father just delivered the killer blow to the dogs head. On seeing that, the puppie's mother, our dog of 10 years, growled and bit my father at the heel. Hehe. Mothers' instincts..

Anyway, we still proceeded to butcher the grown puppy and made yummy adobo, nilaga and dinuguan out of it. After eating, I decided to give my leftover dog bones to the mother dog to see what she will do.

She ate the bones.

Hehe. If I were a writer, I would have been inspired to write a song and a poem out of these instead of just a blog entry :-)


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